Sunday, June 14, 2009

The President's views on education.

I'm an Obama man but on the subject of education we differ. Mr. Obama is on the side of merit pay, charter schools, and school reorganization at the expense of the teacher's unions. Reading this article by Dana Goldstein in the Nation didn't change my opinion. It put into words all the things that have been floating around my brain these days. Take a read and see what you think. Why must we destroy the existing system and replace it with a worse one? Why is Mr. Obama not meeting with anyone from the other side of the equation? As the article points out, most students are going to be taught by unionized public school teachers regardless of the reforms. Every school in the nation isn't going to be replaced by a charter school. Why isn't he talking to anyone from the other side? What's really going on here?


Anonymous said...

I totally agree. Every man, woman, and dog has an opinion on how our education system needs to be fixed, but I don't understand why we don't rely on the people at the heart of the matter, aka us teachers. We're in the buildings with these kids every day. I may not be wearing a suit in Washington, but I think I could toss some constructive ideas into the mix.
If you're trying to build a new skyscraper, you need to talk to the architects and the construction workers. You wouldn't ask the ice cream man and a doctor for how to build a the perfect building, right?

Darx said...

I'll have to see if I can read the article in the magazine at the library. The online version is only for subscribers.

Bob said...

Arne Duncan, Sec. of Education, loves charter schools. He chartered up Chicago and wants to repeat that across the country. Duncan and Obama go way back.

Anonymous said...

Right view he is giving but what steps do you taking to promote it?


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