Monday, December 01, 2008

I'm having a rough day. Please observe me.

I've had a rough day. Mondays suck but they suck harder when they follow a holiday break. I haven't bonded with this year's class yet. They didn't help me bond today with their surly behavior. I have a few boys who come to work just to get into mischief. One got suspended by our gym teacher. Two others kept up their insanity for most of the day. At least they hadn't started their misbehavior until after gym class. It didn't impact my observation during my literacy lesson this morning. Yes, the best times for observations in my school are just before or after a holiday, Fridays after lunch, and half days. Let's observe you when absolutely none of your students will give a crap about the lesson. Ugh. All in all, I think the lesson went OK. Not my best but good enough. I wasn't exactly at my best after 5 days off either. We'll see.

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