Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Yes we can! Thanks America!

Thanks America! Thank you for electing a man who can speak and think. An author. This man writes his own speeches. He writes books. Thank you for electing a man with a brain. He actually uses the brain in his head. Thank you for electing an African American. We finally did it. Everything is possible in the United States of America and this election proves it.

Yes we can and we did. I really am inspired. Now I have to go teach the meaning of that word to my class. Get out your vocabulary notebooks....


Darx said...

Hallelujah! Have a great day today. I bet your kids will be out of control, but for once you'll be able to enjoy it because it is so *right.*

Anonymous said...

This is a great day!!

Bob said...

It was overcast and dreary in Philly yesterday, but in our hearts it was 70 and sunny. This actually tops the Phillies. Does God love me this much? If he's taking requests, I'd like a Dick Cheney confession, too.
