Teaching in my school is like trying to eat a bucket of chicken on a motorbike.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Two years ago today President Bush declared "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq. What a joke. Too bad the joke is on us. Thank God Bush can't be "elected" again.
Ah, an American who agrees with me! 50 UK soldiers have now been killed in Iraq. They were sent there to protect us from "a threat". I was in more threat from the little old lady who lives across the road who shouts at me when I park outside her house than from Mr Hussain. I know American deaths are much higher. How do Blair and Bush sleep at night. They should be sent to Iraq to fight.
1 comment:
Ah, an American who agrees with me! 50 UK soldiers have now been killed in Iraq. They were sent there to protect us from "a threat". I was in more threat from the little old lady who lives across the road who shouts at me when I park outside her house than from Mr Hussain. I know American deaths are much higher. How do Blair and Bush sleep at night. They should be sent to Iraq to fight.
Ps: Nice blog by the way
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